Our Inspiration: Grayson’s Story
I want to tell you the drive behind Relax.Rinse.Repeat. The following article is about Grayson, the autistic boy that inspired the passion to create products that you can trust to be safe and all-natural. The article below is written by Stefanie Epperson.
"He doesn't do that a lot, he's usually really shy" his Dad (the love of my life) told me. Grayson had been in early intervention therapy for several months at this time because he was no longer meeting his "toddler milestones".
Over the next few months, my love for him grew into something I had never experienced before. Being a mother to him and his sister (Abbi, 5) was by far the most rewarding adventure I'd ever been on. Family. Nothing means more to me than my family. But the road of life isn't all rainbows and unicorns.
On May 14th, 2015, Grayson was diagnosed with severe autism. That day changed our lives and everything we knew about parenting. Donnie, his dad, allowed himself one day to grieve and then rallied in a way I've never seen and dove into research to find out everything he could about ASD and how to give our boy the best chance at a good life that he could. I began a different kind of research: diet, environment, what toys were best, and most important to me was avoiding regression if we could at all help it. Together, we implemented a gluten free and casein free diet, we pushed him to communicate and mirror us. To socialize and try new foods and textures. It was a whole new world motivated by love and family and a cause to make life as "normal" as possible for our children.
In our research we came across several articles and documentaries about the dangers of chemicals and parabens and BPA's. What shocked me most about all of this was realizing that there are dangerous and deadly chemicals in baby soap and diapers, cleaners and disinfectants, lotions and shampoo. Chemicals that cause cancer, brain defects, developmental disabilities, allergies, skin irritation and much more.
We all know about asbestos and lead paint and second hand smoke, but no one tells you that the soap that you wash your autistic sons hair with may be harming his development even further. I was fed up and angry. Parenting is hard enough without realizing that you may be unintentionally poisoning your children.
That is why I am so grateful for people like my friend Jenny, who makes all natural products for us moms and dads to take better care of our families with. Products that aren't made in a factory, but made with love and care and with a mission of true health and wellness behind them. For an autism mom like me, it's a blessing knowing that resources like this are available and affordable. Do the research. Protect your family. And help keep our children safe and healthy. God bless you and yours.